North Fort Myers, FL, USA
We are a Bible believing family who understands that the entire Bible is YHWH's, instructions to us for righteous living, the fence around the playground of life which allows us to enjoy life freely. We believe that Yahusha Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) is the Son of God, was incarnated, died for our sins (aka transgressions of His Law), was buried, and rose again on the third day. He ascended into Heaven and is ruling and reigning now as His enemies are being made a footstool for His feet. But He is not a tame lion. They say Aslan is on the move, perhaps has already landed.
We have two children, 1 boy and 1 girl, ages 13 and 8, who we homeschool. We believe that wives are to be homemakers, nurturers, and caregivers and that husbands are to be providers and protectors (not that women cannot contribute outside of the home when called to do so, but the best situation is when a family does not rely on that income).
YHWH has recently shown us that just as I can love one wife with my whole being, I can love more than one and that polygyny is allowed, blessed, and even commanded in some instances in Scripture (message me if you want me to show you the proof texts). I/we want more children and we want to grow our family, raising our children to love and serve the King of Kings. In order to bring in another woman into the family, she would need to be like minded in beliefs (or open to molding herself to my/our beliefs) and her personality would be one that her and my first wife could become the closest of friends.
Some more things about us. We believe in naturalistic, wholistic approach to health. We believe food is medicine and we live it. We refuse to vaccinate our children. Modern medicine has many things it is good at, but it is not good at helping prevent or treat chronic disease, in fact, it our current food and drug system in the US is the main cause of chronic illnesses. To give some context on being a sometimes smoker, I typically enjoy one or two cigars (organic) a week. Cigars and good conversations go hand in hand. We would love to build a homestead (we have purchased 4 acres in Northern Florida for this purpose). We love animals, but we don't have any at the moment. That will come when we can get settled onto our land. We love nature and enjoying the beauty of YHWH's creation.
I am praying that we can find a sister wife who can help us grow our family as there is room for more love. I am looking for someone who is grounded in a personal relationship with YHWH. Someone who loves deep conversation about all sorts of topics, including ones that challenge preconceived notions. Someone who likes to be romanced. Someone who will let me get the door for them. Someone who is willing to mold themselves to me. Whether you are solo or with children, maybe you are the one who God is calling me to bring into our family to love, provide for, cherish, and protect.
Preferred Language
Relationship status
Work status
I'm working
Education Level
Bachelor's Degree
Body type
Hair color
I already have children
Only good friends
None, but want them
My own car
Torah Keeping
I smoke sometimes
I drink sometimes
Yes, sometimes
Music Genre
Broad spectrum
Not picky, currently on a carnivore diet
North Fort Myers
Baseball, football, hockey, rugby
Anything Tolkien, Lewis and Clancy would be at the top of my list
7th day (Saturday)
Food Laws
Flat Earth
Security Consultant